Monday, January 31, 2011

The Mid Eastern Athletic Conference Gives You Their Victims

Victories... Individually, they can get lost. But put them together in one spot and you can make a statement. When you are in a low-to-mid major conference, they become a critical piece to your positioning.

Mid Eastern Athletic Conference Week Starts Now!

Hit the MEAC Basketball page and take close notice to the right hand side of the page: "2010-11 Non-Conference Division 1 Wins." Let's dive in...

Clicking in takes you here, shown below. We have a cumulative list of victories, or as I prefer to put it victims of the MEAC. Take a peak...

Here's what I love about this execution:
  1. It positions the conference around success (check out all our wins!)
  2. It brings the conference together around success (it's not about one team's wins. It's about ALL our wins!)
  3. It is simple and intuitive to follow... and easy to add onto!
How could this be better? EMOTION. That's the opportunity here. It starts with calling victories "victims." There's a feeling of connection and domination in that verbiage that I'd love to see. I'd also love to see the story behind the story -- as simple as associating the victory with a single photo. The power of adding imagery to the log of victories is pretty monstrous! And, finally, a single quote - from a coach/player/fan/conference rep. Put it together and you have a united look at how the MEAC wins.

Bottom line is that this is a great idea that I'd love to see developed further.

Come back tomorrow as we continue rolling through a week of best practices in the MEAC.

Don't forget, you can follow along on Facebook (here) or on Twitter: I'm@pawlow34.



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