Monday, May 9, 2011

NBA Best Practices: Memphis Grizzlies Show Pure Emotion in Facebook & Twitter


That's the key goal for most teams - no matter your sport, no matter your level. And it's the best time because it is the time when the players, coaches, and fans are the most emotional. The most passionate. The most hanging on every word you say (or don't say).

But how do you announce this without coming across wrong? How do you keep the right tone in what you do? And how do you create emotion that fans rally behind?

Enter the Memphis Grizzlies and their moment of clinching a playoff bid. It's a master class in using social media well!

Let's take a look. First, on the Memphis Facebook page (here). As you'll see, there's an emotional picture and a simple headline... "I think this just about says it all..."

In case you want to get a full feel, here's that image. Wow. If I'm a Grizzlies fan, you'd better believe I'm digging this image! And the key here is it is quick, it feels spontaneous, and it isn't a 3 page article describing their likely opponents. It simply is of the moment. And I'm loving this!

Now, let's turn to Twitter. As you'll see on the Grizzlies Twitter page (here), the squad brings emotion in a succinct expression of the team. It's easy to retweet. It's easy to add comments (the brevity of this post lets fans easily add a bit to it), and it is full of emotion in three action-packed hashtags: #gogrizz, #believememphis, #playoffbound!

Think the fan base digs this? Take a look at the image below -- you'll get a glimpse (I couldn't screengrab the full list) of the fans who are Retweeting this message, immediately upon posting.

So, in short, Memphis puts on a clinic in using social for what it's best at -- shared quick comments in Twitter & powerful visuals in Facebook. Well done!

How could this be better? I'd love to see this emotion paired with a call to action. How can they get fans to participate? Can they encourage the use of #believememphis, for example? Can they get fans to post their own Playoff Bound images on Facebook or to share reasons they believe on Twitter? These aren't easy challenges to solve. But the question is simply how can they get fans to provide the same level of emotion into social that the team is pumping in?

Come back tomorrow as we check out another best practice from the NBA. And as always, you can follow me on Twitter (I'm @pawlow34) or on Facebook (Digital Hoops Blast).




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