Friday, January 14, 2011

Big West Conference Best Practices: Cal Poly Elevates the Scenery

Sell what you have. It's that simple.

Hit the Cal Poly website and you'll note it immediately: there in the middle of the page, calling to you: "The Central Coast"

Click in. Doing so gets you here, to what is essentially a page of all the reasons you should strive to live in beautiful San Luis Obispo, California. What I love about this is that Cal Poly did not overthink it. No doubt when they talk to recruits across the country one of the key pillars they are selling is the lifestyle. The scenery. The majesty.

And, as you'll note quickly, the site gives you that info, along with handy articles to show that it isn't just their opinion (US News & World Report ranks the area in the top 10 places to live). I love that this is told, and that it is built into the center of the main navigation.

How could this be better? Tie it to basketball. (Or athletics) Have pictures that show the teams out enjoying the area. Have quotes on what it's like to live in such a pretty area. Ask what they do with their families when they visit. To me, the fact is great. But it becomes a game changer when you add in the storytelling.

That's it.

Come back next week as we hit up another conference!

And, don't forget, you can follow along on Facebook (here) or on Twitter: I'm@pawlow34.



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