Thursday, December 9, 2010

America East Best Practices: Binghamton Elevates their Social Impact

How much of a social impact do you have, really?

That's the question I think many of us face before we actually sit down and find a way to list this out there. But what's it all look like if you lay it out there in the open?

Binghamton Athletics Shows Us Theirs.

Hit the Binghamton Athletics website, and right in the middle of your vision is the callout for "Making an Impact".

Let's Zoom in a little bit....

As you'll see, this is the home of how Bearcat student-athletes, coaches, and staff are taking on leadership roles on and off campus. This is a cool concept. Does it work?

When you click in, you go
here, to a running log of all the efforts the program is making in the world, whether it is student athletes or the team doctor. We see softball players tutoring, strength coaches mentoring young athletes, and multiple athletes participating in a breast cancer walk. (among other things). It's all laid out for you in one handy location (with a link to a full archive of past activities)

Here's what I love about it most. It makes everyone accountable. (this isn't about one team, or even just the teams. Everyone can be a part of this). It's also a strong foot in the ground. (Kind of hard to not add to this, isn't it!) Binghamton is making it very visible that they want to create leaders in the world, not just on an athletics field or court.

How could this be better? I'd like to see more first-person testimonials in this space. It feels like a very personal experience that could connect us more deeply to the program if we had first person accounts (words, pictures, videos) of these actions. It's clearly a big deal to the program and I'd love to see how this is really impacting student-athlete life!

Hope you dug this.

Tune in tomorrow as we share more inspiration from the CAA! And, don't forget, you can follow along on Facebook (here) or on Twitter: I'm @pawlow34.



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