Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gaming Friday: E3- Project Natal, Twitter, and Facebook oh my...

Just when you think you can predict where the video gaming world is going, something new and unexpected peaks it head out.  Earlier this month at the E3 conference, Microsoft Xbox unveiled Project Natal.  The concept is pretty simple - roughly 40% of households own gaming consoles (60% from what I hear if you count families that game on their computers), leaving a huge chunk of the market that is locked off from gaming.  

Enter Natal.  It's essentially a motion-sensing camera that adds onto your 360 if you have one or becomes your gaming system if you don't.  Here's a video that shows off potential game play.

Key word is potential - I'm tall and I've played a few motion sensing games that couldn't adjust for me to play alongside a shorter person leading to a quick demise of me in some Star Wars jousting match.  What games come out that haven't been there before?  How does voice recognition change things?  No release date was stated, though there are rumors and rumors its a Fall 2010 thing.  

But the thing that most excited me from E3 was learning that we are about to see is the beginnings of linking Facebook and Twitter into the gaming world (link here).  Most specifically, starting with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, you will be able to grab screen shots (and I'm guessing video highlights) from your 360 and save them to your Facebook profile using Facebook connect.  There is a lot of gaming imagery being shared now, and it is pretty complicated for the average person to figure it out.  This has the potential of exploding the amount of sharing, trash talking, and community aspects of gaming.

It also has the potential to link up your friends in both worlds, your Facebook friends and your Gaming friends.  If you're cool with that.  Here's a demo video unveiling things at E3 - hope you enjoy!

THis is a 


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