Friday, June 19, 2009

Gaming Friday: Blake Griffin cover of NCAA Basketball 10

So not exactly a huge surprise this year, but Blake Griffin of Oklahoma was named cover athlete for this year's EA Sports NCAA Basketball 10 game. Given that this NBA Draft was set to be basically Blake and a bunch of other guys, EA was essentially in the same slot as the Clippers - just roll with the best available player. (I wasn't surprised EA did the smart thing, maybe a little bit surprised the Clippers did!)

The cover is pretty sweet.

What surprises me though is that we don't see more of a gaming presence inside the draft as a whole. I'm sure there are a bunch of reasons, but I'd love to get to a point where we see more of the gaming spin on the draft as it happens. Madden and the NFL draft rocked this earlier this year (see post here).

Here is a perfect opportunity for EA to leverage the power of having both the NCAA and NBA franchises. I know we'll get there, I'm just anxious to see more.


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